Porsche Seat to Office Chair
Materials and assembly for converting a Porsche 996 seat to an office chair.

Who doesn't want an office chair made from a Porsche seat?
- 1x Porsche 996 seat.
- DO NOT get one with airbags. Airbags are very dangerous.
- We got a pair from a guy on 6SpeedOnline for cheap because they didn't have wiring harnesses. Keep in mind while you're searching for seats that they don't necessarily need to be complete.
- 1x 0.25"x1.5"x72" steel flatbar (Amazon)
- 4x 11mm nut/bolt/washer pairs
- 4x 1/2" nut/bolt/washer pairs
- 1x generic office chair to sacrifice to get the base
Finished Product:
Remove bolted down parts until you're left with these two bars. Put them in the position closest to the body so that they're 12.5" apart center-to-center.
Cut the steel flatbar to produce two 15" lengths.
Drill two centered holes 12.5" apart to use to bolt the flatbar to the chair's bars, leaving about 1.5" on one end.
Position the flatbar lengths on top of eachother and align the holes with a pencil. Grip them together so the next steps will stay aligned.
Position the chair base on the bars and mark the holes for drilling. Take note that the base isn't centered on this bar. This is because the chair needs to be balanced on the base's piston, and the seat assembly isn't balanced around the center.
Once the holes are drilled, separate the lengths and insert the 11mm bolt assemblies as shown to affix the base to the lengths
Measure the width of your flatbar-and-base assembly edge-to-edge and measure the bars on the chair where you'll be bolting them down to find out how far from each edge you'll need to center it.
Use a vicegrip to hold the assembly in place where it'll finally go on the chair.
Use the holes in the flatbar as a guide to drill the holes in the chair's bars. Be sure to adequately vacuum the area while drilling. The metal shavings go everywhere.
Use the 1/2" bolts to keep the assembly steady after each drilled hole. Don't bolt them in, just insert them for now.
After drilling, flip the bars around so you can reverse the bolts for easier assembly.
Tighten the nuts, making sure to use appropriate washers. Insert the base onto the piston if it wasn't already.
Presto! You're the proud owner of a Porsche office chair!