Parzi's Star Wars Mod 2.0?
PSWM is no longer. Parzi's Star Wars: Galaxies is here!

I don't work on the old mod anymore, I work on the new one instead. The new one, Galaxies: Parzi's Star Wars Mod is being developed on the Discord for the latest versions of Minecraft. You can still download the old one here.
You're probably here because you want to download Parzi's Star Wars Mod. Well, I have good news, and I have bad news. Bad news first.
Bad news: I stopped developing PSWM a while back because I didn't have time to maintain it.
Good news: I have a new Star Wars themed mod, Galaxies: Parzi's Star Wars Mod (PSWG)! PSWG on the other hand is under very active development. However, it's still in "alpha", meaning the content it has is pretty limited. Fear not! New, amazing content is coming very soon. We release weekly alpha builds so you can always stay up-to-date with the development.
If you'd like to join in on the PSWG conversation and development, hop into the Discord, where you'll find links to alpha releases and be able to chat with the fast-growing community all pitching in to make PSWG a reality.
The homepage for PSWG can be found here.